M.Alexandrou 76 - Skidra - Pella - Greece

               Kolibaris Christos                    Tel.(030) 23810 88652  Fax (030) 23810 88652



  ______Alkosyst Profile__________________________

The company Alkosyst has seat the Skydra of Pella, where in her privately-owned installations are found also her report in a new complete functional and anakajnjsme'no environment. Her main activity is the manufacture of systems of aluminium (doors, windows, ka'gkela, gkarazo'portes, shielded doors, yalopeta'smata, rola' etc), while it undertakes also special manufactures of proportionally requirements of customer. Her current form constitutes the succession of achieved course 40 and more years in the space of aluminia. For the continuous upgrade of quality of her products in year 2003 the company advanced and finished investment program, acquiring new ultramodern mechanical equipment of production, biggest attribution of 80 items the 8-wro, with special software (software) treatment of cutting with H/Y that perfects the quality of manufactures. The materials which are used emanate from the bigger houses of production of aluminium and elements of Europe which offer resistance, quality in the time and perfect functionalism. Objective and at the same time aim of our company is the continuous upgrade of services and her products, taking into consideration the particular satisfaction of each customer, the concretisation of acquisition of programs of quality and naturally her presence in initial level in the limits of Central Macedonia and then in the spread with network of representatives in all Greece. This aim will be materialised with our presence in sector-based reports of Pan-Hellenic horizon so that are exposed our products in the wide public. With price Kolympa'ris Virtuous


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